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Relocating to a new city is a monumental step that involves more than just a change of address; it’s a journey into a new way of life. So, why not explore your new to-be destination like a tourist before becoming a permanent resident? Whether it’s the vibrant streets of a bustling metropolis or the serene avenues of a tranquil town, each city has its unique rhythm and personality. Take, for example, the journey from Wichita to Kansas City. This move could spell a thrilling upgrade in entertainment options and cultural vibrancy. However, understanding whether Kansas City’s lively pace aligns with your aspirations and lifestyle is crucial. 

Before you pack your bags and set your sights on a new horizon, exploring your potential home city through various lenses will help you grasp its pros and cons, setting the stage for a smooth transition. 

1. Exploring Housing and Working Out Your Budget

Housing is invariably the most significant consideration when relocating. The cost of living can vary widely between cities, even between neighborhoods within the same city. For instance, Wichita is slightly more expensive than Kansas City since the cost of living is 11% and 16.7% lower than the national average, respectively! However, thoroughly researching the housing market will give you a realistic picture of what you can afford. Consider visiting open houses or consulting with local real estate agents to get a better understanding of the market. You can then accordingly hire the right local movers by searching online using appropriate keywords like Wichita moving companies near me

2. Tourist Attractions and Local Gems

Embarking on your exploration by visiting tourist attractions offers a snapshot of what draws people to the city. These landmarks, museums, and attractions provide insight into the city’s history, culture, and what it prides itself on. However, to truly grasp the city’s character, delve into its local gems. Seek out the neighborhood café where locals gather, the park that hosts community events, or the independent bookstore that’s a hub for local authors. These places, often overlooked by tourists, are where the city’s heart beats the strongest. They offer a glimpse into daily life and the community you might soon call your own.

3. Understanding the Local Job Market

For many, employment opportunities are a driving factor in deciding to move. Understanding the local job market, therefore, cannot be overstated. Look into the dominant industries in the city and the demand for your skill set. Networking with local professionals in your field and leveraging online platforms like LinkedIn can offer valuable insights. If possible, attend local career fairs or workshops to get a feel for the job market and to make connections that could prove beneficial down the line. Knowing the economic landscape will not only help you assess job prospects but also understand the city’s economic stability and growth potential.

4. Public Transportation and Walkability

The ease of getting around affects daily life significantly. A city with a comprehensive public transportation system and pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods can enhance your quality of life by making commutes less stressful and encouraging a more active lifestyle. Explore the city’s transit options: buses, trains, subways, and bike lanes. Spend a day using public transportation to travel around the city, noting the frequency, coverage, and convenience. Walkability isn’t just about ease of access but also about the vibrancy of neighborhoods—sidewalk cafes, parks, and pedestrian plazas contribute to a community’s liveliness and appeal.

5. Checking Out Schools and Educational Institutions

For those with families or planning to start one, the quality of education is paramount. Researching schools and educational institutions becomes a top priority. Visit schools to get a sense of the environment, speak with teachers and administrators, and attend community meetings or school events if possible. The presence of reputable educational institutions not only benefits families but can also be an indicator of the city’s commitment to community development and lifelong learning opportunities.

6. Exploring Parks and Recreational Facilities

Green spaces and recreational facilities are the lungs and leisure hubs of a city, offering residents a respite from urban life and a space for community engagement. Exploring these areas gives you a glimpse into the city’s commitment to environmental sustainability and the well-being of its inhabitants. Whether it’s sprawling parks that host weekend farmers’ markets and outdoor concerts or community centers offering fitness classes and art workshops, these spaces contribute significantly to the quality of life. They not only provide venues for physical activity and relaxation but also foster a sense of community by bringing together residents from all walks of life.

7. Engaging with the Community and Cultural Scene

The vibrancy of a city’s cultural scene and the warmth of its community are what truly make it feel like home. Engaging with the local culture through events, festivals, and public gatherings allows you to experience the city’s pulse firsthand. Participation in these activities not only enriches your understanding of the local heritage and arts but also opens up avenues for forming meaningful connections within the community. It’s a way to gauge the inclusivity and openness of the city’s residents and to see whether the social atmosphere aligns with your values and lifestyle preferences.

8. Safety and Healthcare Facilities

A sense of safety and the availability of quality healthcare are fundamental to any decision to relocate. Researching and visiting local healthcare facilities provides insight into the level of care available and whether it meets your needs. Similarly, understanding the city’s safety through crime statistics, neighborhood safety reports, and conversations with residents is crucial. These factors significantly impact your peace of mind and overall satisfaction with your new environment. They are indicative of the city’s governance, community solidarity, and the importance placed on resident welfare.

9. Living Like a Local

To truly understand a city, there’s no substitute for living like a local, even if it’s just for a short period. Renting a temporary place in a neighborhood you’re considering, shopping at local markets, and navigating the city without relying on tourist conveniences can offer a realistic preview of your daily life. This experience can highlight aspects of city living that you may not have considered, such as the sense of community in your chosen neighborhood, the convenience of local amenities, and the overall vibe of the area at different times of the day and week.


Exploring a new city before relocating is akin to putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece plays a crucial role in painting a complete picture of your potential new home. By engaging with the city beyond the surface, you gain insights that go beyond mere statistics or reviews. You start to envision your life in this new setting, making informed decisions that align with your aspirations and lifestyle. Remember, relocating is not just about moving to a new place; it’s about finding a new place to call home.